ChampLadder Blog

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Moving out of Champ Ladder for a month!

Well, we have just moved from Chino Hills of Southern California to Denver, Colorado. We've been here for 3 weeks now and have settled into our new home without incident, other than some broken special dishes and household things from the moving company. Okay, men do not know how to pack. They can move big, strong, heavy boxes, but they can't pack and they don't know the difference between putting a box down gently that has fragile written on the outside or one that is filled with just books or pillows. But we're here and my 2 boys have fit in as if they've been here forever. A gorgeous little 10 year old even baked us a chocolate cake on the 2nd day to welcome us into her neighborhood.

It's the Champ Ladder that I want to talk about. To use it or NOT to use it. I have the answer. We've been without it for a month and let me tell you, it matters. The boys begged us to put it back up 2 days ago, so I found it and taped it to the laundry door with big ugly mailing tape, but it's worth it. When the Champ Ladder System was not in place, discipline and rewards AND allowance was all out of wack. The kids kept wanting to buy things when we were out and about and I'd ask, "How much money do you have?" and they'd say, "None, but I'll pay you back." "When will you pay me back?? You have no money and you have no possibility for allowance as long as that chart is not up! Plus, I think you're in trouble, but I couldn't be sure because I HAVE NO CHART TO TELL ME!" So......chart is up, they know where they stand with us and all is fine with the Wills' household. Any of you out there have challenges with your morning routine? Your after school or night time routine? We've been crazy these past few weeks with no Champ Ladder and the kids know it. I've explained to other parents that we created Champ Ladder to take the place of "yelling" in our house. The Champ Ladder speaks for itself, it's out reward voice, our discipline voice, and the determinating factor to whether or not the kids get allowance each Family Fun Night.

We've had steady sales for our ChampLadder system which pleases me to no end. This morning we received a lovely email from a Child and Family Phsychologist asking permission to promote it on her websight as well as encourage parents of the elementary school she works with to use it in their home. I'll tell you, that just made my day because we are trying our darndest as parents to properly "grow" our children in this unbelievable world that feels completely backwards most of the time, that when I receive some sort of validation like that, it just encourages me all that much more. For those of you reading this that have used our system, please feel free to comment and tell us how it is working for you. I may be able to give you some great tips or you may must tell us that it is working for your family and how. If you have any questions, please feel free to post them as well, or email me directly.

For now, off I go to organize my 11 year old's closet from our move. It is disasterous. Keep on plugging away at parenthood, hang in there and here's a big tip....look for those teeny, tiny little moments that the kids are able to talk to you about their day. If you listen long enough, you'll hear their heart and be astounded at what they'll tell you....if you are just "present"!

Happy Parenting